Kids Mystery Books

Reading Is Magic!

On Sunday, March 20, 2016, I launched two new books at the Deering Estate Seafood Festival, The Mystery of the Square Well, and Bring Your Characters to LifeThey were a HUGE success!!!  Yayyy!!!

That said, I just wanted to take a minute to say that even though I had two beautiful books on display, and looked calm and cool like Princess Beverly at the event, a lot went on behind the scenes when I was creating, writing, editing, designing a book cover, printing the actual books, getting everything on my website, Facebook and Twitter pages, while making everything come together like a well-orchestrated ballet. It was where people who didn’t even know each other came together to help me take my books from being a dream, to becoming a reality.

I would like to thank the following people who helped make these books possible:

To Steve Markey, my Illustrator, at Markey Design. Normally, an author paints a picture of their characters with words, actions and dialogue; leaving the rest to the imagination of the reader. While brainstorming my new mini-book series on developing successful writing techniques, called, Bring Your Characters to life, I decided to experiment by having Steve Markey actually bring my characters to life from The Mystery of the Square Well. To my delight, it worked! Steve was able to capture everyone’s looks and personalities perfectly!

To Brenda Sowry who designed my book covers. She is truly an artist! She captured the essence of the
Deering Estate and my characters, and designed my totally awesome book covers.  Oh yeah, and she put up with me. Those covers will definitely help to sell my books!

To Rich Selby, at
Selby Marketing Associates.  Rich worked very hard to get my books done in time for my book signing at the Deering Estate Seafood Festival.  It was a grueling two weeks for both of us, but we got the books done in time.

Ernie Sochin, Vice Mayor of Cutler Bay, who was kind enough to share a booth with me. In showcasing his book, When I Was Your Age, his props of an old dial telephone, and two soup cans tied at each end with string were the hit of the day – bringing both adults and kids to our booth. When I Was Your Age is a very entertaining story, told as only Ernie can tell it; with slapstick humor, and a sure pen.

To my Daughter-In-Law, Jenna Melasi, and my son, Michael Melasi of
Tampa Bay Air for sharing my Melasi Publications Inc.  Facebook page with their friends.

And last, but never least, thank you to my husband, Bill Haag. He helped us set everything up, took pictures, made sure we ate, and helped us take everything down.  I don’t know what we would have done without him!  

Posted In: Thank You!