Kids Mystery Books

Reading Is Magic!

Have You Thought About Your 2018 New Year Goals?

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

All the best to you and your family in 2018!

With the New Year right around the corner, have you thought about your 2018 New Year’s Goals?

Well, today is a great day to write them down and figure out how you will achieve those goals. Call it your game plan if you’d like. Check out this goal setting form by My Time

Setting goals doesn’t have to be a complicated procedure. There is no right or wrong way, or order to write them down. Just do it!

Here are 5 of my goals to give you an idea of how simple listing them can be:

  1. Think like an author, and create a Production Schedule: I will get serious about my writing, and set goals.
  2. Have Faith: Be like the Little Engine that Could: I think I can, I think I can.
  3. Focus on Results: I will realize my goals into results.
  4. Celebrate Success: I will celebrate my successes, big or small.
  5. Remember that the journey is the destination: I will have fun writing Kids Mystery Books. It is what I love to do!

For anyone who is not taking advantage of making and keeping a Production Schedule, I can tell you that when you have a steady production schedule, you are able to continuously come out with content readers will enjoy. You can track what works and what doesn’t. But mostly, it will keep you focused on every day, every week, and every month of the year. Below is how I set up my Production Schedule:

  1. Write a Production Schedule

Feel free to use your own method, but here’s what I do: I start with a large calendar for the next year. I fill in the appointments I know about, upcoming holidays, any business events, and any commitments I have made. Then I write my to-do tasks, and set a time limit for them (always factor in extra time just in case).  Now I can see the path my book production will take day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month.

  1. List all Tasks

Write out a list of things you know you must accomplish for each book you write (outline the book, write the book, revise, edit, and proofread the book).  Then send it out to an editor, design the cover art, produce the layout and book design, pictures, copyright, marketing, pictures, on and on.

  1. Time to Complete Each Task?

If you know how long it takes to complete each task on your list, you’ll know when to set your deadlines. It can take months to write a book, and several weeks to revise it to get it ready to go to print.

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