So Excited and So Grateful! Saturday, June 4, 2017 was sooo amazing! I was installed as Vice President of the South Florida Writers Association (SFWA) . Yayyy!! Ok, all Yayyy’s aside, I am very humbled by the honor that has been bestowed upon me by this incredible membership. Thank you everyone!! What an honor […]
Posted In: Beverly Melasi-Haag Becomes Vice-President of the South Florida Writers Association
Tags: authors, Books, south Florida Writers Assoiation, Vice President, Writer
Best Saturday Ever!! Many thanks to the South Florida Writer’s Association (SFWA) for asking me to speak on Character Development and Associated Complexities, at their August meeting on Saturday, August 6th. You know, there’s a lot to be said for belonging to a writer’s association. I met so many talented authors, poets, and writing contest […]
Posted In: Children’s Mystery Book Author Contracts The Shiny Object Syndrome, South Florida Writers Association
Tags: authors, book reviews, Books, Bring Your Characters To Life!, children's books, Creative Writing, key note speaker, mystery book, poets, Presentation, Published Author, Reading and Writing, readings, What Do Your Characters Look Like?, writing advocate, writing association, writing contest, Writing for Publication
By nature I am, “The Bling.” I love shiny objects. Jewelry, clothes, shoes, etc. I am drawn to them, and fanatical about them (In fact, in writing this blog, I wish I could surround the title with rhinestones and glitter). By trade I am a children’s mystery book author, reading and writing advocate, creative writing […]
Posted In: Children’s Mystery Book Author Contracts The Shiny Object Syndrome
Tags: achilles heel, Books, charles deering, children's mystery books, creative writer instructor, Creative Writing, deering estate, kids mystery books, parallel analogy, paranormal expert, procrastination, shiny object syndrome, technical writer, writing advocate
Recently my illustrator, Steve Markey (who brilliantly brings my characters to life), asked me to describe the characters in my newest book, The Mystery of the Square Well, so he could draw them for the Bring Your Characters to Life, book I wrote to go with it. He asked, “What do your characters look like?” […]
Posted In: Kid's Mystery Books
Tags: Books, Bring Your Characters To Life!, Character Sketch, Character Tags, Characterization, Characters, Movies, The Mystery of the Square Well, What Do Your Characters Look Like?, Writer